NOPLANETB (2024-2027)
Bridging science and society to foster inclusive transition strategies
The "NOPLANETB" project promotes innovative ideas for greater global sustainability. Through a series of public calls for proposals, finep awards financial support to small and medium-sized civil society organizations for the implementation of various science-based initiatives. In addition to financial support, the funded organizations receive accompanying training and qualification opportunities, as well as support material for their own work. The target group of the projects includes young people from rural areas and especially those who have not yet actively engaged with global issues.
Through cooperation with European partners in Italy, Portugal, France, Spain, Estonia, Poland, and Hungary, NOPLANETB is creating a Europe-wide initiative for global climate protection and sustainability.
Project activities:
• Funding civil society organizations to implement various science-based activities through subgrants
• Supporting subgrantees through webinars, training sessions, and coaching
Project manager: Kai Diederich
Project coordinator: Sabrina Hoffmann
Education team: Sofie Barth, Miriam Streit
Campaign team: Sabrina Bähr, Katrin Pfeiffer
Time frame
2024 - 2027
Cooperation partners
PuntoSud, Italy
ACTED, France
FAMSI – Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity, Spain
AMI - Fundação de Assistência Médica Internacional, Portugal
HBAid - Hungarian Baptist Aid, Hungary
Fundacja “Koalicja Sprawiedliwego Handlu” (Fairtrade Polen), Poland
NGO Mondo, Estonia
The "NOPLANETB" project is funded by the European Union's Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) program. The content is the sole responsibility of finep e.V.; the positions presented here do not reflect the views of the funders.