Water of the Future - raising awareness on the role of water in local climate policy

Water of the Future_Logo

Although water is one of the most valuable resources of our time, we unknowingly consume far more water than we have available. We can’t see this invisible water, i.e. water that is used for the cultivation, production and transportation of goods, which is present in almost everything we use every day.

In the EU project Water of the Future, we are raising awareness on the issues of invisible water and water footprint in connection to the climate crisis. With this, we are promoting the participation of young people in local climate policy decisions. In addition, we are providing training for local decision-makers in regard to their role in combating the causes and consequences of the climate crisis.

Project activities

As part of an EU-wide campaign, finep is developing, among other activities, a mobile exhibition and toolboxes around the topics of water footprint and invisible water. The toolboxes will specifically support young people and encourage them to get involved in climate politics within the context of street actions. The use of these materials will be financially supported.

In addition, training courses will be offered to municipal employees in order to demonstrate the sustainable aspects of action regarding municipal issues related to water. The EU project is accompanied by a Pan-European communication campaign on the importance of water, as well as trainings for disseminators and conferences.

Miriam Streit, Sabrina Bähr, Kai Diederich

Time frame
2020 – 2024

Cooperation partners
City of Dornstadt - Deutschland
Municipality of Loures - Portugal
Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr (IMVF) - Portugal
FUEL Publicidade - Portugal
CD-ARICD - Portugal
Fondo Galego de Cooperación e Solidariedade - Spain
National Council of Citylinks The Netherlands – Nicaragua (LBSNN) – the Netherlands
Municipality of Maastricht - the Netherlands
Municipality of Zoetermeer - the Netherlands
Waterford Sustainable Living Initiative (SLÍ) - Ireland
We World – GVC - Italy
FELCOS Umbria - Italy
Buy Responsibly Foundation - Poland
Association Assistance and Programs for Sustainable Development – Agenda 21 - Romania
Brasov County Council - Romania
Municipality of Maio – Cape Verde


The project is funded by the Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme (DEAR) of the European Union and with financial support of the ministry of state of Baden-Württemberg.