Small Steps on a Large Scale – Climate Protection in Concrete Terms

Rising greenhouse gas emissions are partly responsible for the global climate crisis. In Germany, each person causes an average of 11 tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year and thus has an impact on climate. As a response to climate crisis, per capita emissions have to be reduced. Up to now, many persons have not yet exhausted their personal savings capacity - we want to encourage everyone to take action and motivate to go new paths on climate protection.
The aim of the project named Small Steps on a Large Scale – Climate Protection in Concrete Terms is to encourage citizens of the eastern part of the City of Esslingen to act climate-friendly in their everyday lives. Together with local actors and organisations, we are developing casual learning tools and interactive, innovative hands-on activities. Citizens should receive concrete recommendations for action in their personal environment in order to effectively implement climate protection. We will address citizens right where they are and try to reach a heterogeneous target group by a new educational approach named Casual Learning. Using different methods, such as floor stickers or games of skills, we show different areas of action in everyday life to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Petra Schmettow, Sofie Barth, Julia Fülle, Carolin Harscher
Project duration
2019 - 2021
Cooperation partners
- Aktionsbündnis Esslingen aufs Rad (bicycle movement)
- Begegnungskirche Esslingen (church)
- Evangelische Johanneskirchengemeinde (church)
- Evangelisch-methodistische Kirchengemeinde (church)
- Händlergemeinschaft Küferstraße Blarer- und Ottilienplatz (local shops)
- Katharinenschule (school)
- Repair Café Esslingen
- local cafés, bars and restaurants
The project Small Steps on a Large Scale – Climate Protection in Concrete Terms is funded within the framework of the National Climate Protection Initiative (NKI) of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety due to a resolution of the German Bundestag and co-financed by the City of Esslingen.
Code of governmental funding: 03KKW0273