
Having your development project evaluated professionally is a must these days. An external evaluation has several aims: to render an account of the achievement of objectives, to identify impact and influencing factors, and to initiate a learning process.

In order to measure the impact of NGOs’ work in the field an external view is invaluable. This kind of independent perspective is supporting you with planning more effective and efficient projects in the future.

finep employs independent evaluators with a lot of practical experience and excellent knowledge of the current quality standards and methods in evaluating development work.

We think that evaluating your work can offer much more than just assessing the achievement of results.

Our evaluation approach aims at triggering a process of learning and reflection on the basis of the gained findings and results. This process should include all partners and stakeholders of the project. This way, an evaluation is not merely the end of the current project but rather the starting point for future work.

"Evaluating your work can offer much more than just assessing the achievement of results."