Just do Climate! Climate justice in Higher Education in Baden-Württemberg

How do I "do climate"? Everyone is able (and has) to contribute to climate protection. Policy and big companies are especially responsible, but we as individuals have a lot of opportunities to become engaged as well. Often we do not engage, because of the knowledge-action gap. We all tend to feel beaten by the immensity of climate change, feel afraid and therefore rest in passivity. Therefore we behave in a climate damaging way.
By using a Casual Learning approach, finep and the Eine-Welt-Fachpromotorin Hochschulen (One-World-Facilitator for the Higher Education Sector) want to create easy and positive ways to motivate people to get active in favour of climate protection.
In the project Mach mal Klima! (#MachMalKlima) the One-World Facilitator for the Higher Education Sector together with local partners shows, how and where Casual learning approaches in Higher Education Institutions might work realistically and reasonably.
The project collaborates with the EU-project #ClimateofChange and thus puts a focus on the connection between climate change and migration.
Seven Casual Learning Tools shall be implemented at different Higher Education Institutions around Baden-Württemberg.
Casual Learning Tool 1: Wiping cloth for fresher’s bags at Universities of Applied Sciences Stuttgart and Reutlingen
An overview of all our Casual Learning tools can be found on labor-entwicklungspolitik.de
Contact person: Kai Diederich
Timeframe: 2020 – 2021
Partner: DEAB, Climate of Change
By Engagement Global by order of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg, European Commission.
Die inhaltliche Verantwortung für das Projekt liegt allein bei finep und es werden nicht notwendigerweise die Positionen der Fördergebenden widergespiegelt.