Event Moderation

All finep staff members have long standing experience in the moderation of different forms of events.

Moderation von Veranstaltungen

Get inspired by our participatory and creative methods:

•    The Future Workshop is a proven method that allows participants to develop concrete ideas for the future together. A Future Workshop often stands at the beginning of a process to develop new project ideas. Its structured, targeted and methodologically diverse approach allows participants to develop a common understanding of problems and opportunities. On this basis projects can be selected jointly to be implemented in the middle or long term.

"Get inspired by our participatory and creative methods."

•    The World Café method is suitable for bigger groups. The participants discuss a question in small groups at several coffee tables. Each table is hosted by one table host who notes down the most important discussion points. The groups of participants move on to the next table after a fixed period of time. After several rounds the results of each table are presented in the plenum and the most relevant content is recorded.