Networking for Development - Global Learning and Exchange in North-South Town Twinning

Impuls Global Foto
Conference "Local Partnerships with Latin America and the Caribbean", 2015

Municipalities in Germany and in other countries play an ever more important role in international cooperation concerning global responsibility and sustainable development. Town twinning between countries of the global north and the south offer possibilities for mutual exchange and offer a suitable context to raise awareness on global issues.
The project Networking for Development-Global Learning and Exchange in North-South Town Twinning aimed at facilitating the networking of municipalities from Germany and those of their partner municipalities in the global South. One focus was the town twinning between municipalities of Nicaragua and Germany. Furthermore, it provided support for local actors to combine global learning and town twinning activities. For that purpose, finding suitable methods and topics was a central objective. These are some of the different activities which have been developed during the project

  • Round tables for networking
  • a national conference for town twinning between Germany and Latin America and the Caribbean
  • speaker’s tours with experts from the global south
  • financial support for small scale projects in the municipalities
  • an exhibition on meat production and consumption

Kai Diederich

April 2014 – March 2017

Cooperation partners
Stadt Erlangen (Germany)
Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr mit der Partnerkommune Seixal (Portugal)
Landelijk BeraadStedenbanden Nederland–Nicaragua mit den Partnerkommunen Helmond, Zoetermeer und Maastrischt (Netherlands)
Fondo Galego de Cooperación e Solidariedade (Spain)

This project was implemented with the financial support of the European Commission, Directorate General "Development and Cooperation" and from Engagement Global/service agency Communities in One World (SKEW) with funds from the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Networking for Development was implemented in cooperation with Engagement Global/ service agency Communities in One World (SKEW).