QualiFair – Qualification in fair trade
The project QualiFair aimed to improve the work performance of fair-trade shops, so that fair trade products could become more accessible to people. finep and partner organisations created workshops for employees of fair-trade shops, which focussed on knowledge about fair trade, business management, educational skills, personnel management and marketing. This allowed for a holistic and hands-on teaching and learning process. A test run of the workshop and a follow-up evaluation made it possible for finep and its partner organisations to optimize and create a workshop-manual called Aufbaukurs Weltladen. The manual can be used by trainers from other fair trade shops, as a guide to certify their own employees.
Kai Diederich
2008 - 2010
Cooperation partners
in Germany: DEAB – Dachverband Entwicklungspolitik Baden-Württemberg, Mobile Bildung für die Eine Welt in Norddeutschland, Initiative Solidarische Welt – Weltladen Marburg, Verein Partnerschaft Dritte Welt – Ulmer Weltladen, Forum Fairer Handel, BAOBAB
in the Czech Republic: Ökumenische Akademie Prag – EAP, Czech Association for fair trade
in Austria: Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Förderung der Weltläden, Gesellschaft für Kommunikation und Entwicklung – KommEnt, FairHandel GesmbH – Weltladen Innsbruck
The project was financed by the European Commission (Directorate General Education, lifelong learning programme) and by the Federal Ministry for Economic cooperation and development.
Awarded as an official project of the UN decade Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Education for sustainable development) 2014. For more information, please visit the website of the UN Decade.
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