Sabrina Bähr

sabrina bähr 2.2.24

Telefon: 0711 / 93 27 68 - 72

E-Mail: sabrina.baehr @


Master's degree in Society and Politics of East-Asia with focus on China and Taiwan at the University of Tübingen. Master thesis on Imperial Tendencies of the Beijing-Hongkong relations.

Chinese Language studies at the Shanghai Jiaotong University (China).

Bachelor's degree in Sociology with Minor in applied IT at University of Mannheim and National Chengchi University in Taipei (Taiwan).

Professional Experience

  • Working withat finep since January 2024
  • Intern for public relations and conception of educational tools at finep
  • Intern for project and event management at the State Centre for Political Education Rhineland-Palatinate in Mainz
  • Intern for the organisation of educational seminars at the ver.di education centre in Mosbach
    Student assistant for research projects at the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research

Main tasks at finep

Campaign work in the projects: